
Somalia, located in the Horn of Africa, has experienced decades of conflict and recurrent flooding and drought. Millions of people are displaced and face extreme poverty and malnutrition. While the situation inside Somalia has improved in recent years, violence continues and people remain vulnerable to natural disasters, food insecurity, and locust outbreaks.

The humanitarian crisis in Galgaduud – one region where EQUAL will work in Somalia – has been aggravated by the impact of consecutive poor rainy seasons triggering large-scale displacement, particularly from rural to urban areas.  People have limited access to essential health services.

Benadir – the other EQUAL study site in Somalia – is urban and has better health care access. Despite this, displaced populations in Benadir have limited access to care and experience malnutrition, disease, and death rates WHO considers at “emergency” levels.

Maternal and Newborn Health in Somalia

What EQUAL is studying in Somalia & where

EQUAL’s research in Somalia will be conducted in Galgaduud and Benadir and includes three separate studies:

Who is leading the
work in